There were rumors on Wall Street that Hillary Clinton was a lesbian. There was much talk of this after her husband’s debacle with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The general talk was that she didn’t take care of her man at home so poor Bill had to satisfy his needs outside the marriage. It was assumed that this is how their marriage worked, they were more of a “power couple” rather than loving couple. Unfortunately men are notorious liars when it comes to women. They devise all manner of calumny as a psychosexual defense against women to thrawt their ability to accumulate power over them, sexually as well as politically. In fact this behavior has been documented long ago in merry ol’ England when men walked about with cod pieces in their pants (stockings?) or in eighteenth century Russia when Catherine the Great was rumored to be a hedonist who had a voracious sexual appetite (for men) which other state leaders manipulated in rumor to whittle away at her basic dignity as Empress. Sex and politics one would think would make for strange bed fellows. Sex and the Catholic Church would make strange bed fellows as well and yet only the naive would believe that the two are never entwined. Different demographics take turns scandalizing and evangelizing the moral depravity of the others sexual predilections. However the homosexuals have started a political movement to redraw the very social schema of human relations. Which is the reason why all of a sudden those calumnious rumors concerning the now Secretary of State don’t seem so incredible anymore, that and Hillary’s big push for the queer agenda. Of course her boss President Barrack Hussein Obama pushes hard for the queers. Obama is a servant of the queers.They yelled at him to hurry up on their gay agenda like he was a step-N-fetch it servant in fifteenth century France, not even waitresses are spoken to in such a manner these days.
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s a queer, at least many people harbor a lurking suspicion concerning her sexuality. She looks like a dyke, all damned up or whatever the term “dyke” refers. The queers are a danger to this democracy. Queers are subversives like feminists (also queers) and communists (makes no difference). There should be McCarthy-like hearings where people have to testify before a Congressional committee as to whether they are in fact a queer or a queer sympathizer. “Are you now or have you ever been a queeeeeer!” in the best affected Boston accent one can muster. It could be on C-span, in fact it might very well be on C-span at this moment as far as the number of people actually watching C-span is concerned or for that matter the actual difference an informed democracy has on the outcome of ones political ambitions.
There is a queer agenda in America, the queers want to take over and dominate heterosexuals till we are all hapless breeding "monkeys” who believe everything they write and take them to be gods, so they are eager to take these top spots. These truths are also held to be self-evident.
Homosexuals push on every front to ratify into human consciousness a lie, that their behavior is “normal” and acceptable when in fact it is a psychiatric illness. Homosexuals are psychotic, one would have to be in light of the fact that one man puts his penis in the anus of another man and pretends that this is the same as coitus with a woman. However, the great evil of homosexuals is their perpetuation of this lie and their attempt to have everyone accept this lie as something true. Now they want to adopt children but if they truly loved children they would want the best for them and that would include providing a sane, stable home with two natural parents at best or as an adopting couple giving them the minimal grace of having both a mother and a father. This is also true of divorce. If one purchased a pair of shoes and got home to find that there was only one shoe in the box, how do you think that person would feel? Exactly, they would feel cheated, they would feel angry and hurt. Which is exactly how the children of divorce parents feel. It is as much a treachery to ones generation to divorce as it is to be homosexual and still try to adopt. To be homosexual is to opt out of the emotional responsibility of both having a loving partner and loving children.
Raising children that are not your own is not the same as raising those you had naturally. There surely will be lots of sentimental rebuffs of this notion but that would not make it any less true. There is an inherent sense of responsibility that courses both down to posterity and up towards ones linage. Queers have already made the decision that no ol' ball and chain will drag them back down to the convoluted plains of emotional reality and neither will the weight of being responsible for children who, when naturally born through a married couple obliges as well as inspires the pair to put aside childish things of their own and take actions on behalf of the child. Chief amongst this responsibility is to provide them with a world that has a basic psychiatric structural integrity by which all men, once they become men, can rely. Homosexuals instead have already made the decision to be beholden to no one, not God, not to secular convention and customary tradition nor to their families. It is ridiculous to abandon ones own hereditary line as homosexuals do only to rush out and adopt someone else’s child. Anyone who can abandon their own family in that manner can never be an honest and loving parent. Albeit, most parents are not “all loving” however they are the natural parent and have shown some modicum of decency in how they raised their children by quite simply… well, raising them decently. The same can not be said of those who abort their living responsibility and inheritance in the womb or enters into divorce proceedings leaving their own child to dangle in insecurity or wallows in psychological immaturity unwilling to put away their own post modern romp through a world cast in their own image, a world with no absolute truth. One will admit, President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are good parents from what any stranger can discern. However, they are bad parents and poor leaders for their crusade to attempt to legitimize what is ersatz, namely homosexuality. God Bless America.
Hillary Clinton in Lima Pushes Abortion, Gay Agenda - International - Catholic Online
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