Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Homosexuality and Censorship

 I recently had a post I had written years  ago taken down because it saw homosexuality as unhealthy and pernicious . 

Homosexuality has become the new NAZIS party or Communist party or Islamic Jihad whereby people are afraid to say anything disfavorable about it because they will be attacked for doing so. Today we will slander a European American Christian as a NAZIS and that is because we do not fear the NAZIS party as we once did because they are dead in this world and we do not fear Christians because they are dead to the world. Yet people do rightfully fear the retaliation of the lavender mafia which is in the works now of attempting to destroy the Church with their Synodal Way in Germany (where all good philosophy comes).

First we took homosexuality out of the DMS because the APA (American Psychiatric Association) was attacked by the homosexuals then we had same sex marriage and same sex adoption now we have Pride Parades and transgendered human beings, children who are simply being routed into self mutilation. When previously we had the feminist going into Africa decrying female genital mutilation being against female circumcision (which it was not a circumcisions but an amputation of the clitoris) now we have Americans sending their children to surgeons to amputate their breasts and surgically make pseudo penises so that they can live out their lives in desperate simulacrum of being the opposite sex. It is nothing less than a psychotic role playing game where somehow the solutions to all their problems is pretending to live life as the other. The theory being that if this charade was not carried out the person would commit suicide and so the parents are supposedly held hostage to the deranged child's demands. The idea being that somehow this child was borne int the wrong body. A Cartesian philosophical and theological error. We are knit through and through from the inside out. 

Yet we must realize all of this to be spiritual and psychological warfare. Homosexuality is seen by the Church as intrinsically disordered in fact according to Fr. Rippenger an exorcist it is governed by several demons.  We find the Left, enemies' of Christ, pick up a theme and drop it as they please whether or not it contradicts what they have previously stated or not. They play language games where words have whatever definition they chose to assign them. A recession is not a recession, "woman" cannot be defined by sexual and biological characteristics, etc. Thus realistically it is a movement we are very familiar with, Socialism or Communism. Therefore the gender bending is to condition the people to lose all sense of personal identity and psychological stability and the public schools and academics seek to separate the children from their parents rendering them as wards of the state. 

It seems to me that a resurgence of a House Un-American Activities Committee sorely needs to be reestablished because there are forces in this country seeking the destruction of the country and this new HUAC could not be worse than the fate that awaits us barring it's existence.

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