Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Invasion of the Southern Border: An Attack by the Communist: Economic Mongrelism

 All we have to do is admit that the cold war is not over. In fact, the cold war never ends. What is taking place on the southern border is not illegal immigration because it is not immigration at all. It is more like economic mongrelism. These are for a large part, not all, people who are not merely materially poor but lack any other dimension of being. They are not spiritually awakened to the point where,  immediate material satisfaction is all that they seek. Why should we sympathize with a people that will sell themselves into slavery for material gain? Like a Terrier or a mole, an animal level of awareness where mere material attainment is the drive. This is exactly what Christ came to eradicate, it is what most Judaism sort to eradicate. Religion has lifted man up from an animal drive to satisfy immediate appetites. Having these people enter the country is no different than the rise of homosexuals and climate change cultists or the invasion of the mentally ill or criminals which is sometimes one and the same. 

Some may say that this sounds like Eugenics however I am not claiming that breeding is what is necessary. Eugenicists were fundamentally Darwinist and atheists. I believe that there is a real need for evangelization amongst these people which did not take hold in their country and truth be told is faltering in the United States. These economic mongrels made a deal with drug cartels to come over the border which basically sacrificed their lives or that of their family members. Ironically the threat hinges under the guise that the economic mongrel love these family members. These people can be abused, raped and even killed if large sums of money are not paid to the cartels. If one studies actual human behavior amongst criminals, which each and everyone of these economic mongrels are, concern for others is not something commonly found, certainly it is not love to put up ones family member as collateral. In many respects this is chattel slavery since the cartels can do whatever they wish to these people. This is not migration in the sense that one is leaving one country voluntarily replete with all of the furnishings of a traveler having an actual place to reside having once entered the country. This is economic mongrelism because the people are leaving voluntarily with little but the shirt on their backs and no place to reside if they get to the country that they are traveling to adding in fact to the vagrancy. The only difference between the vagrants and the economic migrants is their willing to work. However, their skill sets, their political consciousness, command of the language and customs of the country they are entering is negligible and seemingly irrelevant to them. They seem only interested in making money. The sole interest which is acceptable for an American corporation, share holder profit rather than stake holders happiness, is injurious to the country when the only thing the economic mongrel has to offer is cheap labor. That devalues the "cheap labor" already in the country, those with a low skill set. How long will it be before these economic mongrels turn to the black market of drug trades and prostitution?  Interestingly, the cartels would not exist if there wasn't this culture of like minded people to support them. Similarly prostitution would be eradicated if people were chaste, drug dealers would disappear if there wasn't people buying the drugs. 

Clearly Christ is the light not the secular education which does no such thing as far as leading people out of darkness. Prostitution used to be seen as a "victimless crime" where society was the victim because of the demoralization that it lead to. Today a "victimless crime" is one in which only the government sees a grievance even if it is not materially substantiated like the case against Donald Trump in NYC being prosecuted by AG James. Yet it is not a crime but pure political persecution using the law itself to perpetrate acts of injustice. 

This seems to be the case with Pope Francis and his agreement with Fiducia Supplicans which effectively "blesses" homosexual unions. Papal biographer Austen Ivereigh claims Cardinal Sarah should resign for calling Pope Francis a heretic which violates his solemn oath before God which he took as a Cardinal. Yet, what if in fact Pope Francis is a heretic? Why should be play the game that allows the one sitting in highest office to "crash the plane" and simultaneously execute authority over all those that try to stop that from happening? Certainly it is the Cardinal's responsibility to hold the Pope responsible when he is openly flouting the doctrine of the faith. A respect for the chain of command is predicated upon the command having the respect of those under such command. Fiducia Supplicans is a drive to recognize homosexuality as legitimate under the Catholic faith and it is not. These priest did not sacrifice their lives for Pope Francis, they did so for Jesus Christ. 

So with Pope Francis who is probably a Communist and President Biden who is being manipulated by Communist the cold war continues. 




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